
In the winter of 2008, the advanced film production class of East Hollywood High School embarked on a surprising and audacious task: to make a feature film adaptation of Shakespeare's Macbeth. We decided to run the class like a real film studio, with each student having a cast or crew position (or often both). The students set up the lights, located and decorated the sets, found and/or made the costumes, ran the camera, even did some special effects. Then, after a summer of editing and fine tuning, we premiered the film in November of 2009 at the Tower Theatre in Salt Lake City.

Then, after a three week break, we jumped right into production of our second feature adaptation, Much Ado About Nothing. It is currently in post-production and will be premiered on Sept 21st at the Tower Theatre. We'll be posting excerpts and behind the scenes footage here, so keep posted.

East Hollywood High School is a public charter school that specializes in film and multi-media and is located in Salt Lake City, UT.

Contact: brandon@easthollywood.org
